Mplayer and vaapi support

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Author: spoilt.exile
To: dmo-discussion
Subject: Mplayer and vaapi support

Recently VLC starts work fine with vaapi, and I'm wondering if there is
support of vaapi in mplayer/mplayer2. Google told me command line
parameters to enable vaapi playing in mplayer:

mplayer -vo vaapi:gl -va vaapi example.file

I've tried to execute this command but mplayer answer supriced me:

Unknown option on the command line: -va
Error parsing option on the command line: -va

Also I've tried with mplayer2 with same results. In both cases it were
players from Is those packages compiled with vaapi
support or not? If yes, then why it's failing?

mplayer2 1:2.0~git20120430-dmo1
mplayer 3:1.0~rc4+svn20120430-dmo1

Tested with i386 and amd64 arch with same results.

Best regards,
Stanislav Nepochatov